
Huzhou bolsters urban-rural integrated development | Updated: Jan 7, 2021


A snowy view of Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account:huzhoufabu]

Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province made steady progress in the integrated development of its urban and rural areas in 2020.

In the past year, the city has finished renovation on 25 dilapidated residential communities, initiated construction on three "future communities", and constructed greenways spanning a total length of 62 kilometers.

For the second year in a row, it was designated a provincial model city in the implementation of garbage sorting.

Four towns from the city, namely Zhili town, Lianshi town, Xinshi town, and Tianhuangping town, were designated demonstration places in the province's "Beautiful Town" construction campaign.

Eighty percent of the administrative areas in Huzhou have been listed as provincial models for the construction of beautiful villages.

Huzhou also ranked first in Zhejiang in terms of the digitalization level in agriculture and rural areas. Its Deqing county was designated a national pilot zone for digital village development.

In 2021, the city aims to become a national demonstration zone for rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics and a national model for household garbage classification.