
Nurses commended in Huzhou | Updated: May 12, 2021


Thirty nurses from Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province are honored as the most "beautiful" nurses in the city on May 11, a day before International Nurses Day. [Photo/WeChat account:huzhoufabu]

Thirty nurses from Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province were honored as the most "beautiful" nurses in the city on May 11, a day before International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day is observed on May 12th every year. The day honors nurses for their contributions to healthcare and commemorates the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely regarded as the founder of modern nursing.

Official data shows that Huzhou is now home to more than 12,000 registered nurses.

Xia Wenxing, deputy mayor of Huzhou, and Pan Meier, recipient of the Florence Nightingale Medal, the highest award for nurses, attended the commending ceremony. A workshop named after Pan was also inaugurated during the event.


A workshop named after Huzhou's Pan Meier, recipient of the Florence Nightingale Medal, the highest award for nurses, is inaugurated during the event. [Photo/WeChat account:huzhoufabu]