
Changxing unveils new measures to bolster innovation | Updated: Jul 26, 2021


Huzhou Sheraton Hotel, a landmark building in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, stages a new light show on April 28. [Photo/IC]

Huzhou's Changxing county recently unveiled a guideline to strengthen its capabilities in scientific and technological innovation.

The new measures mentioned in the guideline to spur innovation included incentivizing enterprises to increase their investment in R&D and high-tech industries.

Official statistics show that the number of high-tech enterprises in Changxing has increased from 106 to 255 in the past five years.

The proportion of high-tech enterprises in the county's enterprises above designated size has increased from 38.6 percent to 56.8 percent in terms of added value.

Over the same period, the proportion of R&D spending in the county's GDP increased from 2.78 percent to around 3 percent, while government investment in science and technology rose from 221 million yuan ($34 million) to 380 million yuan.

Zhu Wei, a head official from the Changxing science and technology bureau, said that they will continue improving the scientific and technological innovation mechanism, striving to comprehensively improve the county's innovation capability.

The local government has set a number of goals in that regard, including increasing the proportion of R&D spending in the county's GDP to above 3.3 percent by 2023.