
Conference focuses on rural reform, revitalization | Updated: Sep 26, 2021


The fourth edition of the Mogan Mountain Conference commences in Deqing county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on Sept 25. [Photo/WeChat account:huzhoufabu] 

The fourth edition of the Mogan Mountain Conference commenced in Deqing county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on Sept 25.

During the conference, Zheng Jianbang, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, emphasized the importance of rural institutional reform, the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and the application of digital technologies in the nation's drive to achieve rural revitalization and common prosperity.

As the birthplace of the concept which states "lucid mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets", Huzhou is a shining example in green development, Zheng said.

Xu Wenguang, vice governor of Zhejiang, and Chen Xiaohua, vice chairman of the NPC's Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee, affirmed Huzhou's innovative practice of building undifferentiated urban and rural areas, which they believe will facilitate Zhejiang's transformation into a national demonstration zone for common prosperity.

Deals for 49 investment projects worth more than 12 billion yuan ($1.84 billion) were also signed on the sidelines of the conference.

Some guests attending the event are expected to visit several places in Huzhou to learn about their achievements in rural revitalization and the construction of future villages.