
6 Huzhou places included in provincial service sector program | Updated: Nov 19, 2021


Nanxun Ancient Town, a national 5A scenic spot in Huzhou's Nanxun district. [Photo/WeChat account: huzhoufabu]

Six places from Huzhou were recently included in a provincial program to facilitate the innovative development of the modern service sector.

Huzhou is the only city in Zhejiang where all its administrative areas are included in the program.

The six places from Huzhou are focused on fields including culture, tourism, digital trade, modern logistics and information technology services.

Zhili town, a national manufacturing hub for children's wear in Huzhou's Wuxing district, was included in the program.

Zhili is home to 14,000 market entities involved in the children clothing sector. Here, a design sketch can be transformed into a physical product in just three hours. Children's wear made in the town has been exported to 126 countries and regions.

Deqing county was also included in the program for the robust development of its geographical information sector.

The county is now home to nearly 300 enterprises in geographical information, becoming one of regions with the highest concentration of geographic information industry in China.

In November 2018, the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress was held in Deqing.

By virtue of its advantageous geographical location, Changxing county, which borders the provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu, was included in the program.

In addition to the aforementioned places, Nanxun Ancient Town in Nanxun district, Linfeng tourism resort in Anji county and Southern Taihu Lake New District were also included for culture and tourism development.