
Rare plant spotted in Anji | Updated: Jun 7, 2022


Nothodoritis zhejiangensis Z.H. Tsi, a wild plant under the national first-class protection, is spotted in Yucun village, Anji county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

Nothodoritis zhejiangensis Z.H. Tsi, a wild plant under the national first-class protection, was recently spotted in Anji county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province.

The plant was discovered on the trunks of two ancient ginkgo trees in Yucun village by a researcher from the Anji Forestry Bureau.

Nothodoritis zhejiangensis Z.H. Tsi is a rare and endangered epiphytic orchid that is on the verge of extinction due to the loss of suitable habitats.

Anji is the third place in Zhejiang following Tianmu Mountain in Hangzhou, and Ningbo where the rare plant has been found. According to preliminary calculations, there are about 800 such orchids, which are currently flowering, on the two ancient trees.

The presence of the plant is said to reflect the excellent ecological environment in Anji county.

Authorities said that they will continue to monitor the growth of these plants and roll out related plans for further research on them.