
Wulan gov't delegation visits Huzhou | Updated: Jul 11, 2022


Chen Hao (right), Party chief of Huzhou, speaks with the visiting Jiang Dongmei, Party chief of Wulan county on July 6. [Photo/WeChat account: huzhoufabu] 

A government delegation headed by Jiang Dongmei, Party chief of Wulan county, visited Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on July 6.

Wulan, administered by the Haixi Mongolian-Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Qinghai province, was paired with Huzhou in 2010 under the "pairing assistance" program launched by the central government, which sees more prosperous provinces and municipalities in East China lend support to underdeveloped regions of the country.

Chen Hao, Party chief of Huzhou, congratulated Wulan on its achievements in social and economic development and pledged that Huzhou will upgrade its partnership with Wulan and continuously enhance bilateral ties.

Jiang then praised Huzhou's long-term support in the areas of medical care, education, industrial development and infrastructure construction. She also expressed hope that the two places could collaborate on matters such as tourism, clean energy development, big data, and cadre training.

In the past 12 years, Huzhou has implemented 44 investment projects in Wulan, and sent seven cadres and 119 teachers and doctors to support the county's development.