
Deqing reviews past decade's achievements | Updated: Sep 28, 2022


An aerial view of homestays in Huzhou's Deqing county in East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Huzhou's Deqing county has detailed its achievements over the past 10 years, from economic growth and reform and opening-up to green and low-carbon development.

Deqing's gross domestic product (GDP) registered an annual average increase of 7.3 percent during the past decade, lifting its per capita GDP above $20,000, according to official data.

The urban-rural resident income ratio in the county has narrowed to 1.61. All administrative villages in Deqing have seen its annual operating collective revenue top 600,000 yuan, Ao Yuxin, Party chief of Deqing, said at a news conference on Sept 27.

Deqing has also been ranked 36th among the top 100 counties in terms of comprehensive strength. Specifically, it came in 32nd in technological innovation and 30th in green development.

The county is leading Huzhou in terms of the numbers of provincial small and medium-sized science and technology enterprises, provincial new research and development institutions, and provincial key laboratories.

It hosted the United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress in 2018, and in May, the UN Global Geographic Information Knowledge and Innovation Center was set up in Deqing. The center, which is affiliated with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, is the first organization directly under the United Nations Secretariat in China.

In addition, the local government has made strides in the pursuit of green and low-carbon development.

Deqing has launched its official certification for rural homestay services, becoming the first place in China to do so.

Six cases from the county have been selected as exemplary examples of the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.