
Huzhou strives to be a regional transport hub | Updated: Feb 15, 2023


            A view of Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: huzhoufabu]

Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province recently mapped out a plan to develop itself into a regional transport hub.

According to the plan, the city will make concerted efforts to improve its inland river transportation system and enhance the conditions of roads in its rural area.

By the end of this year, authorities aim to finish the renovation of 17 dilapidated bridges and 62 level crossings, and keep the proportion of rural roads whose quality is rated as medium or above in the city at more than 90 percent.

Huzhou has also set a target of raising the combined container throughput volume of all ports in the city to 750,000 TEUs in 2023. To achieve the goal, it will take a multitude of steps, including mobilizing local companies to transport goods by water instead of trucks, and speeding up the establishment of customs supervision facilities, according to the outline.

In addition, progress will be made in the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system.

The city plans to optimize 20 bus lines, construct 300 smart bus stops, launch an additional 50 charity taxis, and build more than three comprehensive public transportation complexes this year.
Authorities will also further promote the application of new energy vehicles at its ports.