
Fangte theme park to open in Huzhou | Updated: Feb 17, 2023


Taihu Lake Longemont Paradise in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: huzhoufabu]

Huzhou in East China's Zhejiang province will become home to a new Fangte theme park in the near feature.

The theme park, backed by an investment of 4.5 billion yuan ($661.76 million), will feature culture, technology, entertainment, catering and accommodation offerings, and be able to receive three million visitors annually.

The theme park, which is managed by the Shenzhen-based Huaqiang Group, is expected to generate 650 million yuan in annual revenue and create 9,000 jobs in the city.

Huzhou has in recent years been making strides in the development of its culture and tourism industries.

Over the past three years, more than 100 culture and tourism projects were introduced in Huzhou. Over the same period, projects including Taihu Lake Longemont Paradise and Skyland were put into operation in the city. These two major projects have a combined investment value of 19.7 billion yuan.

This year, authorities will push ahead with construction of more major tourism projects like the Elephant Hotel and aim to pump more than 30 billion yuan into its cultural and tourism segments.


Skyland in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/WeChat account: huzhoufabu]