
Huzhou a magnet for high-caliber talents | Updated: Apr 19, 2023


A meeting attended by high-caliber talents is held in Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

The attractiveness of Huzhou, a city in East China's Zhejiang province, to high-profile talents like doctoral degree holders has been rising in recent years.

Official statistics show that 343 people with doctoral degrees were brought into the city in 2022. These high-end talents, 87 percent of whom are non-locals, are primarily from fields such as education, high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials and healthcare.

From 2019 to 2021, over 300,000 talents including college students sought employment or started their businesses in the city. Huzhou has to date provided government-subsidized rental apartments to over 20,000 such new residents.

On top of the preferential policies unveiled by the local government to woo talents, the establishment of some high-profile research institutes has also helped the city expand its talent pool.

In recent years, 45 research organs have been set up in Huzhou. Among them are the Yangtze River Delta Research Institute of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the Huzhou Research Institute of Zhejiang University. The two institutes have since their inception introduced nearly 1,000 scientific and technological talents.

Huzhou was recently included in the 2022 list of dynamic Chinese cities recently unveiled by China News Service. Other cities that made the list include Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangzhou.

Last October, the city was ranked 29th in China in terms of attractiveness to talents born after 1950, according to a report released by online recruitment platform