
Waxberry festival opens in Changxing | Updated: Jun 13, 2023


A visitor picks waxberries in an orchard in Zhushan village, Longshan sub-district, Changxing county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

The annual waxberry festival opened in Zhushan village, Longshan sub-district, Changxing county, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province on June 9, signaling the arrival of harvest season for the locally-produced fruit.

During the opening ceremony, several procurement agreements were signed between Zhushan village and fruit dealers and waxberry processing companies.

The festival, held 20 times since its inception in 2004, has helped transform Zhushan from a backward mountain village into a prosperous community.

With the availability of online sale channels and efficient logistics services, waxberries from Zhushan are now popular among local residents and visitors alike.

To extend the waxberry industrial chain and improve the fruit's added value, the festival showcased a dozen derivative products, including waxberry wine, dried waxberries, and cakes made with the fruit.

Official statistics show that waxberry planting spans 4,200 mu (280 hectares) in Zhushan, with an output value of over 34 million yuan ($4.75 million) expected this year.