
Liuyuehuang harvest season begins in Wuxing | Updated: Aug 2, 2023


A crab farming base located in Zhili town, Wuxing district, Huzhou, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo/]

Huzhou's Wuxing district is currently in the midst of crab season, with locals delighting in the harvest of a particular type of crab known as liuyuehuang, or "sixth-month roe".

The moniker comes from the crab's delicious roe, which is at its best during the sixth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, typically August.

In Wuxing's Zhili town, on the southern bank of Taihu Lake, there is a crab farming base where over 3,000 mu (200 hectares) of crab ponds are meticulously arranged into grids, occasionally graced by the presence of white egrets. Crab farmers navigate their small boats through the ponds to collect traps filled with the seasonal delicacy.

"The liuyuehuang's roe is exceptionally tender and effortlessly extractable with just a gentle suction. The crabs taste incredibly fresh, with average weights ranging from 100 to 150 grams," explained Ye Qing, the deputy general manager of the base.

By employing a smart farming platform, the base can remotely monitor and adjust water the temperature, pH levels, and oxygen content of each pond. Ye elaborated, "Nowadays, we have expanded our farming operations. One person is responsible for over 100 mu of ponds. Previously, it was an arduous task, constantly moving from one pond to another. However, with our smart system, we can monitor and regulate pond conditions and water quality anytime and anywhere, using a phone or computer. We can even take care of the crabs from the comfort of our homes," Ye added as he examined real-time data parameters of the crab ponds on his mobile phone.

The demand for liuyuehuang crabs is currently high, with sales expected to continue until mid-August. This year's production is estimated to be between 10,000 and 12,500 kilograms.

The base's total output value is projected to reach 100 million yuan ($13.92 million) in 2023. Additionally, the base provides employment opportunities for over 30 villagers in the surrounding areas, resulting in average annual income increases of 3,000 to 5,000 yuan per person, contributing to the overall prosperity of the rural community.

"The base operates on a cooperative model. We collaborate with local farmers, providing them with seedlings, feed, technology, and assistance during the sales process, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that helps villagers increase their income and thrive," explained Ye Qing.