
China embraces importance of retired teachers

By Zou Shuo | | Updated: Aug 30, 2023

China plans to hire another 100,000 retired teachers to teach at schools and universities in the next three years, according to a new plan.

The "silver teacher plan", launched in 2018, has hired more than 20,000 retired teachers to teach at primary and secondary schools and universities in Western regions.

The plan, issued by the Ministry of Education and ten other departments on Wednesday, said the number of silver teachers is expected to reach 120,000 nationwide after three years.

The teachers will mainly focus on basic education, higher education, vocational education, adult education and private education, the plan said.

Retired teachers are an important human resource, and more efforts should be made to enable them to make a difference and participate in all levels of education, according to the plan.

Retired university teachers will mainly be allocated to help universities with potential, distinctively strong disciplines and new universities in ethnic regions.

Meanwhile, for "silver teachers" who plan to teach at primary and secondary schools, they are encouraged to teach at once-impoverished regions, underdeveloped counties and border counties. The teachers should mainly consist of retired principals or teachers who hold senior teaching titles.