
Booming water tourism in Huzhou amid scorching heatwave | Updated: Jul 22, 2024

In recent days, Huzhou, Zhejiang province, has been engulfed in a sweltering heatwave, making it a great time for water activities like drifting.

The Nanshan drifting area in Changxing county, where clear waters border lush mountains, has seen a continuous stream of visitors in the past few days, especially families with children.

The drifting area boasts a length of 3.2 kilometers, with a drifting duration of approximately 1.5 hours and an altitude drop of about 50 meters from the starting point to the endpoint.

This year, abundant rainfall has resulted in increased water flow in the stream, not only providing visitors with a refreshing water experience amid natural beauty but also creating a beautiful spectacle in the summer wilderness.

"We are currently receiving over 1,000 visits on weekdays and more than 2,000 on weekends, a 50 percent increase year-on-year. The peak season falls between July 20 and Aug 20," said Wen Zhenghuang, head of the drifting project.

Wen added, "Our drifting project covers two villages, generating collective profits of over 500,000 yuan ($68,751.18) for the villages each year. It has also stimulated surrounding businesses, transforming the beautiful scenery into a thriving economic opportunity."