International camping exchanges foster cultural connections

(| Updated : 2024-07-16

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On July 14, as part of the 2024 Global Youth Conference and China-US Youth Camp, a variety of interactive exchange activities took place in Jinan, Shandong province, welcoming over 500 young campers from 28 countries, including the United States, Thailand, and Romania.

The event was ignited by captivating Tai chi and martial arts performances, presented by students and faculty from Qilu Normal University. The crowd erupted in applause, captivated by the grace and power of these performances.

The atmosphere was electric as international students engaged in a series of interactive activities, including a large-scale collaborative painting. The novelty and excitement were palpable, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared cultural appreciation.

Laughter, applause, and cheers filled the air as young people from diverse backgrounds connected and interacted in a spirit of friendship. The camp transformed into a vibrant tapestry of youthful energy and cultural exchange, showcasing the beauty of diversity and the power of international connections.

This event aimed to bridge cultural divides and foster deeper understanding and collaboration among young people from different countries and regions. The shared experiences and genuine connections forged at the camp will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the participants.

Young minds from around the world unite to create a magnificent masterpiece. [Photo/Haibao News]

A whirlwind of energy and excitement erupts as students navigate interactive games together. [Photo/Haibao News]