Nishan Dialogue: Promoting 'people-centered' AI

(| Updated : 2024-07-12

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How to make artificial intelligence care for humanity and boost the transformation of human living spaces through the digital technologies became a focal point for Chinese and foreign guests at the 10th Nishan Forum on World Civilizations held from July 10 to 11 in Qufu, Shandong province.

Wen Haiming, deputy director of the Nishan World Center for Confucian Studies and professor at the Department of Philosophy at Renmin University of China, said that digitalization is an essential driver of technological progress, innovation, and modernization. Faced with this "double-edged sword", human society needs to embrace change with a positive and cautious attitude and deepen the cultural connotations of the digital age, he said.

Chen Qingming, chair of the General Association of Confucianism in Indonesia, acknowledged the positive impacts brought about by AI development, but also expressed concern about issues such as unemployment caused by the widespread application of AI.

"This requires us to demonstrate more humanitarian care and compassion, better address the negative effects of technological development, and enable AI to better empower the development of families, communities, society and nations," Chen said.

Liu Lili, professor at the Department of Literature and History at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (National Academy of Governance), said that promoting "people-centered" AI development requires integrating sustainability, ethics and innovation principles into the development process, emphasizing their interrelationships, considering the long-term impact of AI technology, and prioritizing fairness, transparency and human rights.

Liu believes that embedding AI systems designed with Confucian ideals of social harmony and common good can enhance social cohesion, reduce inequality, and improve people's quality of life.