Chrysanthemums bloom at Qingdao's Zhongshan Park

(| Updated : 2024-11-08

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The 40th Zhongshan Park Chrysanthemum Exhibition is a cherished event in Qingdao's Shinan district and has opened its doors free of charge from Oct 26 to mid-November.

As early November arrives, visitors can experience the best time for the exhibition's chrysanthemums.

This year's exhibition, which combines art, cultural tourism, commerce, and popular science, features over 300 varieties and more than 30,000 pots of chrysanthemums.


At the gate of Zhongshan Park, chrysanthemum bonsais surround a fountain donning a little rainbow. [Photo/WeChat account: qdweishinan]


A variety of chrysanthemums bloom in autumn in Qingdao. [Photo/WeChat account: qdweishinan]

It builds upon the popularity of shaped chrysanthemums from previous years and introduces new artistic forms such as miniature bonsai chrysanthemums, assorted chrysanthemum trees, lollipops, little stars, three-headed mushrooms, yellow ducklings, and squirrels.

The exhibition also highlights new and better chrysanthemum varieties, including the ultra-low maintenance "Jinglin" series of small chrysanthemums.