Foreword eyes on Guangyuan

Global People | Updated: June 1, 2021
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Standing on the Huangze temple, you can see the rolling Jialing River flowing through the city like a jade belt. The picturesque landscape on both sides is telling the legend of Wu Zetian. This is Guangyuan.

Looking up at the cliff under the Jianmen Pass, a sky-down natural barrier across the eyes. Jianmen Pass is called the No.1 Impregnable Pass in the world for its magnificence and danger. There is an old saying, "If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through". Being strategically situated and difficult of access, Jianmen Pass was a natural defense for Sichuan which many kingdoms contested for. This is Guangyuan.

Walking through the Cuiyun Corridor, which is lined up by nearly 10,000 lush cypresses planted during the Qin Dynasty on both sides, the corridor is so far the oldest and best-preserved ancient land transportation route in the world and thus reputed as the No.1 Ancient Road in the World and a living fossil of land transportation. The road takes you back to Three Kingdoms Period when soldiers were competing for the king. Nowadays, the lush is guarding the entrance to the northern part of Sichuan Province and telling the stories about all the warfare and vicissitude of life it has witnessed in the past. This is Guangyuan.

Looking at the surging river, surrounded by dangerous terrain, the steep rocks, and the green trees, to experience the situation of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army's departure of a miracle in the history - Long March. The heroic soldiers of the Red Four Fronts Army crossed through the Jialing River under the fire, embarked the Long March and went westward and succeeded, bringing new hope to the nation with blood and life. This is Guangyuan.


With rich tourism resources of great natural endowments and strong characteristics, Guangyuan is one of the regions with more than 4,000 years cultural heritage in Sichuan province, and is becoming one of the best destination of ecological leisure, holiday and tourism.

Ancient and modern culture experience; south and north culture experience; expected and unexpected experience, are waiting for you to experience——

You might as well try the tofu eaten by Emperor Ming of Tang Dynasty.

You might as well taste the Dendrobium officinale, one of the "nine immortals".

You might as well collect a piece of Buddha carving. The carving of Qianfo Cliff that showcases the exquisite Buddha carving techniques that were used in ancient times has been carried forward in the hands of the inheritors of the "Intangible Cultural Heritage". 

You might as well walk around the high-altitude glass viewing platform lie on the summit of Dajian Mountain at Jianmen Pass, the viewing platform is the first span in Asia—150-meter (492-foot) drop.

You might as well encounter a wild giant panda in Qingchuan Tangjiahe Section of Giant Panda National Park.

There is also a ski resort in Zengjiashan, where you can enjoy the scenery of northern China in Bashu.

How would you describe Guangyuan when you have experienced all the beautiful scenery and specialties?

Is she a poem composed of countless adjectives?

Is she a symphony of countless notes?

Is she a book written with countless strokes?

Is she an osmanthus tree watered by countless sweats?

In fact, it is only when you put all the stories together, all the legacies into one, all the feelings into one, that you can paint a complete picture of her.

Key word one: Geographic 

Guangyuan, located at the geometrical center of three provincial capitals of Chengdu, Xi'an, Lanzhou and Chongqing municipality, is a large channel to leave Sichuan province northward, and a comprehensive traffic hub connecting the northwest and southwest, rivers and oceans.

In terms of climate, since Guangyuan is located at the transition zone between north and south, the weather in Guangyuan enjoys features of both humid climate of south and bright sunshine of north.

In terms of landscape, Guangyuan has jurisdiction over Cangxi, Wangcang, Jiange, Qingchuan 4 counties and Lizhou, Zhaohua, and Chaotian 3 districts, 23 townships, 112 towns, 7 streets, a total area of 16,319 square kilometers.

In terms of population, by the end of 2019, there are 2.989 million registered population; The city's permanent resident population is 2.675 million, among which the urban population is 1.2626 million and the rural population is 1.412 million.

Its history dating back to more than 4,000 years - Guangyuan was governed by Yin State in the Xia Dynasty and Ju State in the Zhou Dynasty. At that time, Ju State, Ba State (in Chongqing area) and Shu State (in Chengdu area) in Sichuan Province were the main forces in Three Kingdoms Period, known as "three-sided confrontation".

In 316 BC, Qin attacked Shu and the latter was destroyed. Then Qin swallowed Ju and destroyed Ba, then set up Jiameng County in the state of Ju. In the Western Wei Dynasty, Jiameng County was changed into Lizhou, and then Lizhou was changed into Li. Until the Ming Dynasty, Guangyuan had been the capital of in all dynasties. In order to show its authority, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty changed Li to Guangyuan. In 1266, the Yuan Dynasty moved the "Sichuan-Shaanxi Zhongshu Province" from Xianyang to Guangyuan.

Guangyuan has formed a profound revolutionary tradition since modern times. From 1933 to 1935, 1363 village-level Soviets, 295 township-level Soviets, 55 district-level Soviets and 10 county-level Soviets were established in the whole city during the Agrarian Revolutionary War. After December 1934, the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army and the CPC, government and army of the former Sichuan Shaanxi Soviet area also moved from Bazhong to Wangcang of Guangyuan, making Guangyuan the political, military, economic and cultural center of the Sichuan Shaanxi Revolutionary Base. It is also the starting point of the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army's Long March.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, in March 1950, the office of Jiange commissioner was set up in the old town of Guangyuan. In December 1952, it was renamed Guangyuan special district. In March 1953, it was subordinate to Mianyang special district. In February 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Guangyuan was changed from county to city. 

Key word two: Talents

Because of its strategic geographical location, Guangyuan has been an important channel to leave Sichuan Province northward since ancient times, acting as a stage for Chinese descendants of different times to show their talents, and also witnessing the history of Chinese civilization passing from generation to generation. For thousands of years, numerous historical figures was born or came to Guangyuan for its rich cultural features.

Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history, was born in Guangyuan. She is a great statesman of the Tang Dynasty, who was described by the famous sociologist Chen Yinque as "the reformer who left legacies for the next hundred to one thousand years".

Sima Guang, a famous historian, politician and prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty, was famous for his work as editor-in-chief of the book Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government. When he was young, he lived with his father in Guangyuan, studied in the West Mountain behind Huangze Temple, and left a large number of masterpieces.

Liu Bang, Zhuge Liang and other influential figures in the feudal era, left legends in Guangyuan. The city still has a large number of places to commemorate their stories.

Since the Tang and Song dynasties, many famous scholars, such as Du Fu, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin, Lu You and so on, have visited Guangyuan and left a large number of masterpieces. 

In modern times, Guangyuan people made incredible contributions to the Chinese revolution. During the Long March of the Red Army, the number of local people in Guangyuan who joined the Red Army reached more than 47,000. Among them, Cangxi and Wangcang counties accounted for more than 10% of the total population of the two counties at that time. Tens of thousands of people in Guangyuan sacrificed for the Chinese Revolution.

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