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GUi hosts Hefei AI Ecosystem Conference 2024, empowering enterprises, driving innovation

Updated: July 26, 2024

The Hefei AI Ecosystem Conference 2024 took place in the Grand Union of Innovation(GUi) on July 20, marking a significant convergence for the city's AI industry. 

Co-hosted by the GUi, the event centered on the theme "Application-driven, Ecosystem co-creation, Innovate the future", featuring the signing of several high-profile projects, such as the establishment of Beijing Blueya Box Technology's new headquarters in Hefei's GUi.

A project recommended by GUi's global partners, Anhui Lanya Digital Technology's "domestic-made 3D engine," has settled in GUi and signed an agreement with the Hefei high-tech zone at the conference.


GUi hosts Hefei AI Ecosystem Conference 2024. [Photo/GUi]

"Hefei is about to become the headquarters of our company", said Xuan Yang, partner at the Commercialization Center of Lanya Box Technology.

In game development, 3D engines play a crucial role, serving as a bridge between software applications and hardware resources, and as the core of real-time rendering. With the booming growth of the gaming industry both domestically and internationally, Xuan and his team have keenly observed the rise of a new game development model – "one code, multiple platforms". Their core business, the LayaAir engine and digital content creation tools, has become a powerful tool for the next generation of game development, with notable clients including Tencent, NetEase, and 37 Interactive Entertainment.

GU's innovative ecosystem was highlighted as a magnet for global talent and high-tech enterprises. By fostering a collaborative environment with top-tier teams, investment funds, and state-of-the-art facilities, GUi aims to establish itself as a national hub for AI development.

With Hefei's AI industry already among the national leaders, this conference underscored the city's commitment to accelerating innovation and driving industrial transformation, positioning Hefei as a place of AI advancement in China with GUI playing a core part in the progress.


GUi is a central part of Hefei's scientific and technological development. [Photo/GUi]

Monday-Friday 8:30-18:00

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Presented by China Daily.

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