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  • Baotou city prepares sumptuous cuisines for tourists


    Baotou's diverse array of delicacies, such as lamb hotpot, fish stew, steamed buns and chatang – or local soup made of flour – simply captivate visitors, leaving them with unforgettable gastronomic experiences.

  • Five-star dining service units in Baotou praised


    The Baotou bureau of market supervision awarded highly esteemed plaques to representatives of numerous dining service units on Oct 25, officially recognizing them as five-star dining food safety units.

  • Jiuyuan farmers get rich from fishing, tourism


    "We receive 300 to 500 visitors every weekend, there's not even enough tables for everyone to sit," said Lyu Guowei, a cook in Xinhe village in Jiuyuan.

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    Hand-grilled meat


    The hand-grilled meat, traditional and famous cuisine in Baotou city, uses fresh mutton as its main ingredient to boil.

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    Baotou's cuisines exude unique charm


    Due to unique topography and historic pastoral culture, Baotou city produces a rich variety of local cuisines.

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    Mutton hotpot 铜锅涮羊肉


    Mutton hotpot – with the pot, of course made of copper – is a much-loved delicacy for folks in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region. The soup base must be clear soup, while the requirements for the quality of the mutton are strict.

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    Dried milk cake 奶豆腐


    Dried milk cake is a common dairy food in a Mongolian herdsman's home. It is coagulated and fermented using cow's milk, goat's milk, or horse milk.

  • Kumiss 马奶酒


    Kumiss is a traditional beverage of herdsmen in the Inner Mongolia region and across Asia, where it is drunk in summer, when the heavy fragrance can permeate the vast prairie.

  • Wang Xiaoer Pancake 王小二烧饼


    It's a traditional food in Inner Mongolia.