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Yangkou port's cross-sea bridge construction in full swing


Updated: 2021-08-09


The construction of the Yellow Sea Second Bridge is currently in full swing. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

The erection of the first box girder for the Yellow Sea Second Bridge was completed on Aug 6, which marked the official start of construction of its superstructure.

The Yellow Sea Second Bridge is a major infrastructure project being undertaken in the Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone in Rudong county – administered by Nantong city in East China's Jiangsu province – which when completed is expected to bring substantial economic benefits.

The bridge, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan ($154.39 million), began construction in February 2020 and is scheduled to open to traffic in August 2022.

"At present, a total of 4 kilometers of steel trestles have been built on the island side (Yangguang Island) and the shore side (Yangkou Port area)," said the project's manager assistant Zhang Chen.

"The pile foundation of the bridge is 30 percent complete and the construction of the substructure is  20 percent complete. In the next stage, we will focus on the construction of the box girder."

A total of 936 trusses for box girders are required for the Yellow Sea Second Bridge. The shore side box girders are 30 meters long and weigh 160 tons, while the box girders on the island side are 40 meters long and weigh 200 tons.

The bridge runs parallel to the first Yellow Sea Bridge and the two structures are 30 meters apart.

Port officials said that the first Yellow Sea Bridge now handles 1,000 vehicles a day on average, basically at its limit. 

After the second bridge's completion, the carrying capacity for road tankers and the support capacity for industrial projects in the Yangkou Port area are expected to be greatly enhanced.