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RDEDZ to boost economic transition in 2023


Updated: 2023-01-30


A factory of one enterprise in the Rudong Economic Development Zone. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]


An aerial view of an industrial park in the Rudong Economic Development Zone. [Photo/WeChat account: rudongfb]

The Rudong Economic Development Zone in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, will work to speed up its economic transition and boost economic development this year, local media reported.

The zone will continue to introduce leading enterprises to promote the formation of industrial clusters in the sector of intelligent communication, safety, and semiconductors, which are three major industries in the county.

Authorities aim to have one additional enterprise with an annual added taxable turnover of over 10 billion yuan ($1.48 billion) and 12 additional enterprises above designated size.

Promoting innovative development is another focus of the zone this year.

The zone aims to introduce at least one scientific and innovative project worth 5 billion yuan and one project worth over $100 million.

In addition, authorities aim to add 10 high-tech enterprises in the zone.

The zone will also advance the intelligent reconstruction and digital transformation of 10 leading enterprises in the county to boost their innovative development.