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Xiangzhou District putting on galas during Golden Week

Updated: 2018-09-29

Tourists will swarm to Xiangzhou District during the weeklong National Day Holiday (Oct 1-7) to take part in a tempting mix of music, arts, delicacies, and entertainment.

The public holiday is dubbed Golden Week as flocks of tourists pursue interests and entertainment away from home.

Many pop singers, such as Hua Chenyu and Mao Buyi, will perform at the Zhuhai International Beach (Shark) Music Festival 2018 on Oct 1 to 2 at Haibin Beach (City Parlor) in Jida. This year's edition of the 16-year original music brand offers a top lineup and latest sophisticated high techniques.


Sea of glow sticks at Zhuhai beach festival [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

The Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Qianshan will introduce teenagers to the delights of country life by inviting them to various prize-rewarding activities such as catching mud fish. Maze navigation, horse riding, and zoo visits will also be on offer.

New Yuanming Palace, a 4A-level tourist spot featuring Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) palace culture will become a foodie heaven by holding the 12th International Food Festival. There will also be a variety of performances at the site in Lanpu, Gongbei.

In the meantime, customers in Huafa Mall in Nanping will be led into a pure white world created on a 450-sq-m (1/10th-acre) tract where every living creature shows free-form development. The art exhibition is by famous Hong Kong artists TikKa, who will offer a 5-m (5.5-yd) tree that represents people's childlike quality.

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