Construction of Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel begins in June
The Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel will come under construction next June and four years later will facilitate travel between downtown and the West Wing, according to an environmental impact report by Zhuhai Communication Group.
The tunnel, 5 km (3 miles) long and running 15 m (16 yd) south of the heavily traveled Zhuhai Bridge, will provide an extreme-weather alternative for motorists. From Zhuhai Avenue, it will pass under the auxiliary road and then cross the Modaomen Waterway and Guadingjiao Mt to reconnect with the east-west thoroughfare.
The 4.48-km (2.8-mile) tunnel section will have dual six lanes with a designed speed of 80 kmph (50 mph), while dual six-lane auxiliary roads connecting Zhuhai Avenue with the tunnel will allow a maximum speed of 50 kmph (31 mph).
Rendering of Zhuhai Bridge tunnel [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]
Two pairs of entrances and exits will be built to the west and east of Zhuhai Bridge respectively. In the meantime, direction of the existing entrance-exit east of 10th Pingxi Road will be adjusted. Bidirectional U-turn lanes will be set above the buried section west and east of the bridge.
To stress marine culture, the greenbelt will be shaped like sailboats on ocean waves. Trees alongside will include Cunan royal palms (roystonea regia) and bishop wood, which are green all year round, resistant to strong winds, and able to shade from scorching sunlight.
The medial strip will be adorned by orchid tree (bauhinia variegate), while the floral belt will feature lavender, bright eyes (catharanthus roseus), Chinese jungle flame (ixora), daisy-like melampodium, maidenhair, wishbone flowers, spider flowers (cleome), and bright yellow euryops pectinatus.
Planning is in an initial stage and subject to adjustments, according to the constructor, Zhuhai Rail Transit Co.
Steps taken toward building tunnel under Zhuhai Bridge
Public opinions are currently being sought while the Highway Bureau conducts risk assessments on the Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel proposed for the east-west Zhuhai Avenue.