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New public Arts Center graces south of Sea & Sky Park


Updated: 2020-09-24

The Xiangwan Citizens Arts Center began providing the Old Xiangzhou public with reading, leisure, entertainment, and cultural and art activities Sept 22.

Lion and folk dances, guzheng (Chinese zither), chorus, and sand painting performances, a light show, and children's painting exhibition were staged for the opening. There also were cultural experiences related to tai chi, calligraphy, straw weaving, dough figurine marking, and DIY soap-making.

Located on East Meihua Road between the Haihong Bus Depot and Sea & Sky Park, and behind the Zhuhai Museum & Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, are the Arts Center main building, cultural square, small fitness garden, administrative center, and parking lots.


Xiangwan Citizens Arts Center lobby [Photo by Zeng Yao & Xiangwan Citizens Arts Center to WeChat account: zhtqb12345] 

With floorage of 1,095 sqm (11,786 sqft), the first level contains Time Bookstore and Xiangwan City Parlor. The parlor is an exhibition and interaction venue with removable billboards, virtual reality (VR) devices, and independent booths.

The 1,111-sqm (11,960-sqft) second level contains a 161-seat Multi-Functional Hall. Costume and prop rooms behind the main stage can be used for cultural and art activities. Free weekly classes will be held in the training, multi-functional, and cultural and sports entertainment rooms on that floor.

The third floor holds offices, storage, and archival rooms and a Communist Party of China Cultural Exhibition Hall. 

The facility was listed in 2019 among Guangdong's first pilot grassroots service centers for integrated development of culture and tourism. 



October opening foreseen for Xiangwan citizen center

The Xiangwan Citizens Arts Center near the Haihong Bus Terminal and Xiangwan Residential District will open to the public in October as a venue for reading, leisure, and entertainment.

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