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Dong'ao tourist trails all set for Spring Festival visitors


Updated: 2021-01-22

The coastal and forest Mountain & Sea Cloud Trail at Miyue Mt Scenic Area Phase I on Dong'ao Island will open to visitors in time for the Feb 11-17 Spring Festival holiday.

The Public Construction Bureau of the Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone says the seaside boardwalk extends 671 m (734 yd) from Gree Dong'ao Hotel at Diamond Beach of Nansha Bay. It has three transparent sections to create an illusion of walking on the sea. A ring-shaped trestle bridge in the middle will protrude 281 m (307 yd), taking visitors close to high waves and steep rock surfaces.


Forest walkway to Honeymoon Pavilion [Photo provided to Guanhai App by Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone]

Meanwhile, the 644-m (704-yd) forest walk will climb to Honeymoon (Miyue) Pavilion. The newly restored four-story structure has a large bell and inscriptions of lyric poems composed by ancient literati. A dominant view of the entire Dong'ao Island can be had from there, with vistas of the sky, sea, mountains, and scattered islands.

Both the coastal and forest planks are set at a gentle gradient of 1:16 to increase accessibility for seniors, children, and the physically challenged. In addition, a 120-m (131-yd) escalator will be available from a hillside platform to the Honeymoon Pavilion.

The walks will link natural scenery, cultural landscapes, and resort hotels on Dong'ao Island, which is becoming a world-class travel destination in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, said Wang Tao, director of the Public Construction Bureau.

Also planned are a Honeymoon (Miyue) Mt Park and an island circumference road to improve infrastructure and the ecological environment, enrich tourism resources, and increase competitiveness in the tourism industry.



Dong'ao boardwalks line seaside and scale mountain

The coastal and forest boardwalks and Honeymoon Pavilion at Miyue Mt Scenic Area Phase I will open to visitors by Spring Festival.

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