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Xianghai Bridge to be extended westward to Huxin Rd by Nov


Updated: 2022-09-09

The main-line bridge of the Huxin Road Interchange in the initial section of the Xianghai Bridge's west extension connected its right side on Sept 6 after 50 days of construction. In addition, installation of box girders on the left side is underway and is expected to be connected by the end of October.

The 1,576-m (1,724-yd) bridge has a width of 16.28 m (17.8 yd) on each side. High-end technologies such as building information modeling and liner monitoring technologies were applied to increase construction efficiency and ensure its smooth operation. 


Construction site of the main-line bridge of the Huxin Road Interchange in the initial section of the Xianghai Bridge's west extension [Photo by Chen Qingyang / Zhuhai Daily]

The section extending the Xianghai Bridge to Huxin Road is set to commence operation before the 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, which will take place at the Zhuhai International Air Show Center in Jinwan from Nov 8 to 13. Motorists will be able to reach all the way towards Shuanghu Road by the end of 2024.

By then, the travel time between Doumen and Zhongshan's Tanzhou Town will be shortened to less than 20 minutes from the previous 60 minutes.



Construction of Xianghai Bridge, Xingye Expressway make progress

​The channel bridge of Xianghai Bridge over the Modaomen Waterway's main shipping lane was connected on July 21 after six hours of pouring 160 metric tons of concrete.

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