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Limited commemorative stamps for 14th Airshow China released


Updated: 2022-10-20

Twenty-eight commemorative stamp albums, envelopes, and model airplanes themed around the 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China) were released by China Post in Zhuhai on Oct 18.

The products boast both ornamental and collection value. They are expected to further promote the brand of Zhuhai and Airshow China while also popularizing aviation, as well as China's latest achievements in the aerospace industry. 

The first facsimile stamp made from debris of the Long March II-F rocket by China Post made its debut during the event, which is the most precious of the 28 products. Zhou Liyun, general manager of the Zhuhai branch of China Post, noted that each facsimile stamp has its own identification number. With a total circulation of 50,000 sets nationwide, only more than 1,000 will be sold in Zhuhai.


Stamp made from debris of Long March II-F rockets [Photo by Liang Guanxian / Guanhai App]

Currently, only less than 1,000 Long March II-F rocket pieces are preserved as most of their parts burnt up when going through the atmosphere.

The first-ever punching passport for this year's Airshow China was also unveiled during the event. Thirteen commemorative stamps and medallions will be provided by the Zhuhai branch of China Post for people to seal on their passports on-site. 

Stamps have long been reputed as a "national business card" and Zhuhai has been showcased on China's stamps 13 times. Among them, two stamps with Zhuhai elements were related to the development of China's aerospace industry.



Stamps capture Zhuhai highlights over the decades

Eleven sets of China Postal stamps, postcards, and envelopes featuring Zhuhai have been released since the SEZ was established in 1980, bearing witness to remarkable development over the past 40 years.


Numerous new products to debut at 14th Airshow China

​Preparations for the 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China), which will take place both online and on-site at the Zhuhai International Air Show Center in Jinwan from Nov 8 to 13, are proceeding smoothly, officials announced during a Sept 27 press conference in Beijing.

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