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Toll collections for Honghe, Xianghai bridges set to start

​Toll collections will start on Xianghai and Honghe bridges later this year as part of Zhuhai's traffic management plans, officials of the Zhuhai Transportation Bureau announced during an interview on May 20.


Macao vehicles passing Hengqin Checkpoint up 50% since Sept

​The total amount of Macao single-license vehicles crossing the border via Hengqin Checkpoint exceeded 500,000 on May 17 since the establishment of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin in September 2021, up about 50 percent year-on-year.


Zhuhai Fund does well in backing industrial development

​As of April 30, Zhuhai Fund has established sub-funds with total scale of 68.57 billion yuan ($10.19 billion), leveraged 54.92 billion yuan ($8.17 billion) in private capital, and promoted the settlement of 99 projects.

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Wanshan 'smart' marine ranch receives operation certificates

​Zhuhai Agricultural Investment Holding acquired Sea Area Use and Tidal Flats Aquaculture certificates for sample operation of its Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Intelligent Marine Ranch on May 19, making it Zhuhai's first deep-sea farming project to acquire both certificates this year.

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Jinqin Health Harbor will rise in Jinwan's Sanzao

​A new high-end biomedicine industrial carrier will rise in Jinwan District to support the city's "industry first" development strategy as Zhuhai Jinqin Big Health won the bid for a 148,192-sq-m (36.6-acre) land lot in Sanzao Town on May 17.

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Zhu Hai Yun smart unmanned vessel begins sea trials

​China's first intelligent unmanned system mother ship was launched in Guangzhou on May 18 to begin further sea trials of its core equipment, as well as intelligent and unmanned systems, with the goal of starting operations by the end of this year.

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Doumen hiking trail upgraded with better facilities

​After two months of upgrading and renovation, Phase I of the Wuzhi (Five-Finger) Mt hiking trail in Doumen's Lianzhou Town recently opened to offer visitors a better hiking experience.

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Guangdong, Macao, HK youths seek opportunities in Hengqin

Young talents from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao explored future development opportunities in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin during a May 17 seminar held at the Macao-Hengqin Youth Entrepreneurship Valley.


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