March 30, 2022
Tianhe's game industry revenue exceeds 100b yuan
Tianhe district has had success in developing its cultural and creative industries, particularly its game and e-sports industry, which has generated a revenue exceeding 100 billion yuan ($15.69 billion).
March 4, 2022
E-sports to grow rapidly in Tianhe
The TT Peacekeeper Elite Team announced officially settled in Guangzhou's Tianhe district on March 1.
January 29, 2022
Tianhe sets development goals for 2022
The main development goals and tasks of Tianhe district for 2022 were released at the second session of the 10th Tianhe District People's Congress, which concluded on Jan 22.
January 12, 2022
Tianhe to develop forest landscape utilization industry
The guidelines proposed that Guangzhou's five districts, including Tianhe, focus on developing the forest landscape utilization industry.
January 7, 2022
5 industrial clusters draw blueprints for Tianhe IBD
In recent years, the Tianhe Intelligence Business District (IBD) has been focusing on the development of five industrial clusters.
September 10, 2021
Tianhe becomes national building economy model
Tianhe district in Guangzhou was awarded as the model of the high-quality development of the building economy in China on Sept 7.
September 7, 2021
Finance industry strong engine for growth in Tianhe
Since 2017, the finance industry has become the leading industry in Tianhe district in Guangzhou.
March 30, 2021
Pillar industries
The four leading industries in Tianhe district -namely the financial industry, next-generation information and communication technology, modern commerce, and business services - have a high degree of aggregation and strong growth potential.