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Hohhot launches intelligent urban management system

2021-03-04 (en.hhhtnews.com)

The Hohhot City Brain Smart City Management System has officially gone into operation in Hohhot, capital city of North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region, promoting efficient and convenient city management, according to local media reports.

The Hohhot City Brain Smart City Management System primarily facilitates the governance of city appearance, environmental sanitation and other urban management issues, and is gradually implementing the city's urban refinement and intelligence goals through technical means.

The Hohhot City Brain was officially launched on Jan 20, becoming the first "city-level" city brain in the autonomous region.

It is composed of a city brain intelligence center and four basic support systems: perception, data, security, and the Aiqingcheng app, as well as various applications generated from it.

Through a basic framework constructed using the "1+4+N" system, Hohhot is to establish and improve its big data-assisted scientific decision-making and social governance mechanism, and promote the innovation of government management and social governance models, so as to realize scientific government decision-making, precise social governance, and efficient public services.

the city brain started construction in October 2020, and the construction took 100 days.

Next, while accelerating the improvement of smart application pilots, Hohhot will continue to develop application functions, continuously tune application efficiency, and explore the formation of a mature construction model that can be replicated and promoted.