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Jimei takes 4 “100-day measures”

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: October 21, 2014 L M S

A “100-day measures” campaign was started on Oct 10, 2014 and will last to Feb 15, 2015 in Jimei district, Xiamen, Fujian province. Four detailed plans have been set up to build Jimei into a “Beautiful Xiamen” district, including humanistic education, economic promotions, infrastructure construction and social governance.

Jimei humanistic education

A series of videos themed “Jiageng spirit” will be promoted around Jimei’s schools, communities, enterprises and villages. Local publicity organizations will give “Jiageng spirit” lectures. Additionally, the 1st Jimei cultural Festival is scheduled to open.

Chen Jiageng (1874-1961), a patriot, entrepreneur, educator, philanthropist and social activist, established Xiamen University, Jimei University, Xiang’an No 1 Middle School and Xiang’an Tongmin Hospital. He devoted himself to the Revolution of 1911, the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945), and the War of Liberation (1946-1949). He was concerned about national unity, and invited engravers to create a map of Taiwan in Jimei in his later years. “Jiageng spirit” is a humanistic symbol in Xiamen.

Economic promotion

Jimei plans to increase its output value (and turnover) by 500 million yuan ($ 82 million) in 100 days, and achieve 3 billion yuan ($490 million) in 2015.

It has launched a promotion policy to help 53 programs to go into operation. The government will make new favorable policies for economic development, including supporting electronic businesses and giving subsidies.

Jimei will make efforts to strengthen construction of the industrial infrastructure, such as the electricity supply, water supply and road construction.

The government will also take measures to push forward construction of more economic programs and help industrial parks to attract investments.

Road improvement

Nineteen roads in Jimei will complete their improvements and greening works in 100 days, including the roads to Xiamen Railway Station, national roads, business streets and roads in Jimei New City.

A supervising and examining pattern, which is a system of rewards and punishment by assessment, has been set up. It is led by the district mayor with citizen members and government departments.

The improvement works will focus on public services and roads, including optimizing the road landscaping design, beautifying the road surroundings and demolishing illegal buildings.

22 demonstration villages

Jimei aims to build 22 villages into demonstration villages, something which is expected to be completed in 100 days.

Cultural activities are set to promote people’s communication. More social organizations in community service, charity and public life are part of the plan. Jimei district will devolve more powers into the villages to provide public service for the residents.

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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