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23,000 new plants in Xiamen welcome 7th Cross-Straits Cultural Industry Expo

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: October 24, 2014 L M S

Xiamen’s Municipal Bureau of Highways added 23,000 plants along the city roads to welcome the seventh cross-Straits (Xiamen) Cultural Industry Expo, with an opening ceremony held on Oct 24 in Xiamen, Fujian province.

Workers planted 20,000 petunia and maidenhair and 3,000 alternanthera bettzickiana along city roads, and then watered and repaired the plants at night.

Xiamen also replaced and mended broken public infrastructure facilities. Workers conducted full-scale checks on sidewalk bricks, caution posts, sewer lids, and trash cans. They patched bituminous pavement of 100 square meters and sidewalk bricks of 50 square meters.

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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