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Fujian promotes internet economy

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: October 24, 2014 L M S

Fujian province will make a more concerted effort in order to create leading internet economies and conditions, according to Yang Jinyan, director of the Fujian Communication Administration.

To push for its goal, Fujian will step up broadband and 4G network construction. The number of households with fixed broadband will reach 9.8 million by the end of this year, and more than 90 percent of them will enjoy an internet speed of 4 megabits per second or better, he said.

Fujian will also incorporate internet applications into more fields such as mobile social networks, smart traffic, mobile financing and e-commerce. The Internet of Things (IOT) will be applied in the areas of traffic, environmental protection, security, tourism, civil engineering and so on.

In addition, Fuzhou will endorse the development of companies engaging in the businesses of e-commerce, mobile animation and other value-added services. Private capital will be allowed to make investments in telecommunications.

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  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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