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Xiamen's convention and exhibition industry in 2014

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 21, 2015 L M S

Xiamen bureau of convention and exhibition affairs drafted an action plan and a work program of the convention and exhibition industry, using the experience of Singapore, Hong Kong and Germany.

Over the past year, Xiamen has worked, including introducing policies, perfecting management and services and publicizing, to boost the convention and exhibition industry, bringing the city such recognitions as "China's Famous Convention and Exhibition City in 2014" and "China's Most Attractive Conference Destination in 2014" awarded by authorities.

Scale and attendance

In 2014, conventions and exhibitions in Xiamen hit a record high.

There were 200 exhibitions, 8.7 percent more than the previous year, over a total area of 1.74 square meters, an increase of 8.2 percent.

283,000 Chinese merchants, 4.86 million visitors, and 77,400 overseas merchants attended from over 150 countries and regions.

There were also 4,177 large business conferences, with a total of 856,400 attendees, respectively increasing 0.7 percent and 6.2 percent over 2013.

Benefits and quality

Economic benefits from Xiamen's convention and exhibition industry grew to 27.63 billion yuan ($4.45 billion) in 2014, a 16.5 percent higher than the previous year. Direct economic benefits increased 2.35 billion yuan to 11.65 billion yuan, a growth of 17.3 percent over 2013, including 1.1 billion yuan in direct revenue and 10.55 billion yuan in indirect revenue.

The independent brand exhibitions that occupy at least 30,000 square meters, such as China International Fair for Investment and Trade, China Xiamen International Stone Fair, International Buddhist Items Crafts Fair and China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair, totaled ten, ranking just behind Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in China.

The number of business conferences that can apply for the government's incentives amounted to 113, increasing 28.9 percent over the previous year; and international conferences totaled 49, 53.1 percent higher than 2013.

The number of large conferences and international conferences increased significantly.

Industry integration

There were 40 economic and trade fairs in 2014, covering 28 industries, from machinery to handicrafts.

Fairs like the China Xiamen International Stone Fair, International Buddhist Items Crafts Fair and China Xiamen International Tea Industry Fair extended business networks and industrial chains.

In addition, Xiamen organized professional exhibitions according to the city's major industries, including the China International Landscape Planning and Design Conference, China Landscape Industry Expo, China Internet of Things Expo, and China International Cultural & Creative Industry Expo.

Supportive policies

Xiemen's government issued opinions on speeding up the convention and exhibition industry on June 2014 and measures for subsidizing economic and trade exhibitions this February, enhancing the city's competitiveness.

Financial support

Jinyuan Group signed a memorandum with Beijing North Star Industrial Group on December 2014. After the official signing on Feb 1, both sides set up China's first C&E industry fund.

Beijing North Star Industrial Group, a large State-owned enterprise under the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, is a leader in China's convention and exhibition industry.

The fund has 500 million yuan, with 300 million yuan raised from the public, and two 100 million yuan each from Beijing North Star Industrial Group and Jinyuan Group.

Development foundation

Xiamen bureau of convention and exhibition affairs published a guide manual, a training manual, a bilingual brochure and a hand-drawn map, as well as an advertising video and a PPT, to offer a full picture of the city.

In addition, Xiamen built a statistical monitoring system to master the information of the industry development and its economic benefits.

Growing Industry

Media, industry associations and State-owned businesses organized exhibitions in 2014. There are over 40 convention management companies and 100 convention hotels in the city. More than 12,700 people are engaged in the industry, a vital force for Xiamen's economic development. A mass of brand enterprises, such as Xiamen Conference & Exhibition Group, Intop Expo and L&C Fairs, stand out in this industry.

Xiamen has developed into a gathering place for professional companies and personnel in Fujian province.

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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