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Xiamen to promote e-business

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated: April 22, 2015 L M S

The Xiamen municipal government released a series of policies to promote the development of e-business on March 23.

The city’s government has pledged to support the construction of an e-business platform and base to help enterprises develop their e-business services, cross-border e-business and Internet third-party payments.

The government is also encouraging key enterprises by providing subsidies and constructing logistic distribution centers to help deal with development issues.

The city is planning to build a distribution network and support the enterprises in areas of finance and technology.

The government will support the innovation of supervision models to complete credit systems and to offer more financial support.

By Peng Juan from China Daily Fujian Bureau

Why Xiamen

  • About Xiamen

    Xiamen is one of the most economically competitive cities in China and was one of the first Special Economic Zones on the Chinese mainland. As a vice-provincial city independently listed on the State development plan, it has provincial-level authority in economic administration and local legislative power. In 2010, the Xiamen SEZ was expanded to cover the entire municipality. Today, Xiamen is a modern and international port city.

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