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Curative Medical Inc.

Updated : 2018-04-18

Curative Medical provides innovative solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory and sleep conditions including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and hypopnea. Curative is also a leader in the field of cardiovascular diagnostic catheter production.


Production plant of Curative Medical Inc. [Photo provided to english.snd.gov.cn]

It was established by a team of overseas Chinese. Its headquarters are in Suzhou, and it has branches in the US, Germany, Beijing and other countries and areas. It has agencies and cooperation partners in more than 20 countries and regions around the world.


Curative Medical display in Beijing [Photo provided to english.snd.gov.cn]

Curative became the main setter of national standards for ventilators used to treat OSA due to its advanced technology. It is the only company able to produce dual level non-invasive ventilators in China. It has been appointed as the supplier of reserve ventilators for preventing H1N1.


An innovative product of Curative Medical [Photo provided to english.snd.gov.cn]

Address: No 9, Peiyuan Road, science and technology town, Suzhou New District, Suzhou, Jiangsu province

Tel: +86-512-69217308

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