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Carel Electronic (Suzhou) Co

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2020-12-30


Carel Electronic (Suzhou) Co is founded in Suzhou New District 2005 and is the exclusively-funded venture of the Italy-based Carel Industries Group. [Photo/carel-china.com]

Carel Electronic (Suzhou) Co was founded in Suzhou New District 2005 and was the exclusively-funded venture of the Italy-based Carel Industries Group.

The company increased its investment in Suzhou with a new manufacturing plant, which began operating in July 2019 and represents the largest single investment ever made by the Italy-based group. The plant covers a floor area of 15,000 square meters, making it the second largest among Carel's nine manufacturing bases across the globe.

According to Luciano Marzaro, general-manager of the Chinese branch of Carel Industries Group, the company increased its investment in Suzhou as it has lent strong support to the company's industrial chains and has the capacity to help localize their products.

Most of the company's raw material suppliers are in Jiangsu and only a small portion of the equipment is imported from Italy. The Chinese market also consumed 55 percent of the company's products.

With the help of the Suzhou government, the company resumed operation in March 2020 and generated profits of nearly 30 million yuan ($4.6 million), realizing a year-on-year growth of 13 percent.

"Suzhou has provided our company with an environment that is efficient, market-oriented, and extremely active in the circulation of essential productive factors, helping us reach a higher level of globalization," Marzaro said.

Address: No 26 plant, Environmental Protection Industrial Park, 369 Lushan Road, Suzhou New District

Postcode: 215129

Tel: +86-512-66628098

Fax: +86-512-66629889

Official website: www.carel.com; www.carel-china.com

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