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Achievements and goals for industrial projects in SND

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2021-01-19


A total of 125 key projects receiving 38.03 billion yuan in investment are completed in Suzhou New District in 2020. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

Statistics from the Economic Development Commission of Suzhou New District (SND) showed that 125 key projects receiving 38.03 billion yuan ($5.86 billion) in investment were completed in 2020.

Forty-eight projects represented by Costco and Decathlon have received over 100 million yuan in investment, 31 more than last year, an increase of 182.35 percent.

Meanwhile, the number of new-generation information technology industrial parks grew from 19 in 2019 to 37 in 2020. New parks included the Jiangsu Medpark and Suzhou Research Institute for Environmental Innovation of Tsinghua University.

Fifteen provincial-level projects, such as Shijia Science and Technology, Invt Electric, and Mingyuan Automotive Components Manufacturing Co, received 2.04 billion yuan in investment in 2020 and started construction on schedule.

In addition, 37 star projects, including the new manufacturing plant of Thermo Fisher and the semiconductor testing base of Sigurd Microelectronics were completed ahead of schedule.

SND has formulated a plan for the year 2021 that includes helping 32 projects handle first-phase preparations, 56 projects begin construction, and 62 projects enter their second and third phases of construction.

The projects are expected to attract a total of 41.53 billion yuan in investment and involve key innovation platforms, key industrial projects, real estate, environmental protection, civic engineering, and infrastructure. Industrial projects, which mainly focus on manufacturing and services, are expected to attract a total of 18.89 billion yuan in investment.

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