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Government asks workers to stay in Suzhou for Spring Festival

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2021-01-25


Some of the many faces that work in Suzhou, Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

Suzhou in East China's Jiangsu province announced a series of preferential policies to encourage migrant workers to stay in the city for the Spring Festival holiday, as well as to help local companies gather enough workers for steady and continued production.

The online service platform Sugonghui will send out 10,000 gifts to migrant workers, 2,000 of which are targeted for delivery riders.

By carrying valid documentation like identification cards and residence permits, migrant workers can enjoy free visits to State-owned tourism sites, as well as enjoy free bus, metro, and tram line rides.

For migrant workers who stay and work during the Spring Festival holiday from Feb 11 to 17, they will be awarded an additional 15 points when applying for this year's point-based hukou (household registration), as well as child's medical insurance and school entrance systems in Suzhou.

Key enterprises that organize its employees to attend online job training in February for at least 24 lessons can apply for an allowance of 300 yuan ($46.3) per person. The training must be offered by platforms authorized by human resources and social security departments at all levels. Key enterprises refer to those with an annual output exceeding 100 million yuan in 2020.

Companies can receive a refund of 50 percent of the unemployment insurance they paid in 2020 once they have helped its employees join in Suzhou's social security system, as well as met the criteria that they didn't lay off or laid off only a few employees last year.

Companies that have their total salary in the first quarter of 2021 increase from that of the third quarter of 2020 can receive an award of at most 20 percent of the increase up to 300,000 yuan.

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