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The paralyzed doctor and his map for disabled people

(english.snd.gov.cn) | Updated : 2021-02-23


Li Linqing is a doctor of artificial intelligence. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

The story of Li Linqing, a doctor of artificial intelligence in Suzhou New District, was recently praised by state media outlet People's Daily, with his interviews being watched 2.9 million times and his story receiving 89 million readers.

In 2019, Li and his colleagues visited almost every corner of Suzhou to work out a map for people with disabilities, the first of its kind in China. The map can help the disabled find nearby accessible facilities, keep up to date on the latest traffic information, and plan the most efficient routes.

"I understand the challenges faced by the disabled better than ordinary people and I hope to help them leave their homes and better integrate into society," Li said.

He was not blindly confident. These words came only after continuous and strenuous efforts and after being diagnosed with cerebral paralysis at the age of one. He can only move three of his fingers.

"I was surrounded by loving and caring people since childhood. It was my parents, teachers, and classmates that made me who I am today," Li said.

He established his company, OnBotics (Suzhou) Intelligent Technology Co, last year with the goal of better connecting the disabled with accessible facilities.

Li's map has received several thousand users so far. Li described them as both users and explorers, as they can send real-time feedback on accessible facilities.

His team has also reached a cooperation agreement with Shanghai Jiao Tong University during this Spring Festival, and the two sides will work together on more targeted services such as hailing cars and taking the metro.

"I will do my best to make life easier for people with disabilities," Li said.


The map developed by Li for people with disabilities [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

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