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A list of must-try spring food in Suzhou

(chinadaily.com.cn) | Updated : 2022-03-18


Green and fresh vegetables are a spring stable in Suzhou.


Toothed bur clover, or jinhuacai in Chinese, is usually sautéed with yellow rice wine. [Photo/WeChat account: isuzhou365]


Shepherd's purse and spring bamboo shoots are a delicious combination when shredded as wonton fillings. [Photo/WeChat account: isuzhou365]


Frying Chinese toon with eggs is Suzhou locals' favorite way to cook the plant, which tastes somewhat similar to truffle oil drizzled over eggs. [Photo/WeChat account: isuzhou365]


Locals like to collect young leaves and stems of malantou (Indian kalimeris herb) in early spring and cook them with dried bean curd. [Photo/WeChat account: isuzhou365]


Fava bean braised in oil is the most popular and traditional way to cook the plant. [Photo/WeChat account: isuzhou365]

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