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Expertise called on to face Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel issues


Updated: 2021-08-26

An engineering technology expert committee was established Aug 19 to provide technical support for overcoming challenges in building the Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel.

The team addressing complex environment and high technical difficulties will be led by three members of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Chen Xiangsheng (dean of the College of Civil & Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University), Du Yanliang (expert in Large Engineering Structure Condition Monitoring & Safety Control), and Wang Fuming (Zhengzhou University, Sun Yat-sen University, professor, doctoral supervisor).

Issues include having shield boring machines, with a large diameter of 15 m (16 yd), drill through composite stratums 30 m (98 ft) deep. In addition, the tunnel will pass structures at close range. The establishment of a smart operation monitoring system for the Internet of Things in the tunnel is a new attempt that requires a high level of technical guidance.  

The tunnel, 5 km (3 miles) long and 15 m south of the heavily traveled Zhuhai Bridge, will provide an extreme weather alternative by 2024. From Zhuhai Avenue, it will pass under Guadingjiao Mt and through the Modaomen Waterway to reconnect with the east-west thoroughfare.

Construction of the underground diaphragm wall and other supporting structures is underway along with tailored shield boring machines. Excavation of the launch shaft will begin west of the construction site next month. 


Rendering of Zhuhai Bridge Tunnel [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]



Steps taken toward building tunnel under Zhuhai Bridge

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