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Huangshan tourism festivals promote digital development| Updated: November 25, 2022

The opening ceremony for the 2022 Huangshan Tourism Festival and the Huangshan City Summit of the 2022 iFLYTEK 1024 Global Developer Festival was held in Tunxi district of Huangshan city, Anhui province on Nov 23.

Cooperation between both events is seen as a bid to promote the development of a digital Huangshan and help the city become a world-class leisure tourism hub.

Huangshan city is ramping up its efforts to transform its ample and attractive tourism resources into commercial advantages and boost the integrated development of its digital economy and real economy.

At the event, seven projects in Huangshan signed contracts worth a total of 1.1 billion yuan ($153.04 million).

In the Smart Culture and Tourism Digital Creative Industry Forum, among those delivering keynote speeches was Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy and Jiang Zhiguo, vice-president of AI giant iFlytek.


Xiao Yan, an AI virtual livestreamer, introduces 15 main activities featuring in the 2022 Huangshan Tourism Festival. [Photo/WeChat ID: hsgdtwx]

The 2022 iFLYTEK 1024 Global Developer Festival has been staged five times since 2017. It focuses on supporting AI industry developers and entrepreneurs, establishing and improving the AI industry supply chain and forming a healthy and sustainable AI ecosystem.

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