Huangshan City People's Hospital is a comprehensive grade A tertiary hospital integrating medical care, education, research, prevention, health care, rehabilitation, and emergency services.
In 2024, Qimen county in Huangshan, Anhui province, has launched a smart traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) platform to increase the efficiency and accessibility of TCM services. The platform integrates the resources of public healthcare institutions in the county, allowing patients to access TCM services at their local community health centers.
The second China (Huangshan) Xin'an Medicine Development Conference was held in Huangshan, Anhui province on April 22, attracting hundreds of representatives of various medical schools.
Huangshan city in Anhui has been ramping up efforts to promote the female-centric parts of its public health system to further safeguard the health of women and girls in the area.
The Shexian Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital – located in Huangshan city, Anhui – is widely said to be giving full play to its advantages in TCM and sparing no effort in protecting the health of locals.
The Huaze Yuanzang Huizhou smart healthcare project was launched with great expectations and ambitions on Dec 16 in the Huizhou district of Huangshan city, Anhui.
Xin'an medicine, which is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, boasts a fairly long history, and has been passed down to the modern era.