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Huangshan invigorates innovation and tradition of tea

Updated: July 25, 2024

The tea industry in Huangshan, known as the "Hometown of Tea", is experiencing a renaissance through innovation and continuous inheritance of tradition. With nearly 1,000 tea enterprises, the city exemplifies how "a single tea leaf can enrich an entire community".

At the forefront of this transformation is Xiayu Tea Park, located in Huangshan's Huizhou district. The park showcases the evolution of local tea and its alignment with modern advancements. Recognized as a leading enterprise, it has embraced new technologies to enhance production efficiency and quality, earning the prestigious National Science and Technology Progress Award. The integration of clean energy and big data for smart tea garden management underscores their commitment to sustainable development.


Mists shroud hills in Huangshan. [Photo/Huangshan Daily]


Sunshine glistens plants in a tea plantation in Huangshan. [Photo/Huangshan Daily]

The tea park also serves as a beacon for tea-tourism integration. Designated a national science education base and a AAAA-level tourist attraction, the park offers visitors a comprehensive experience of tea culture, from picking and processing to brewing. This immersive approach has made it a popular destination, enriching the cultural appreciation of local tea.

Moreover, tea parks like this serve as a catalyst for rural vitalization in Huangshan. Through strategic partnerships with 13 core villages and collaboration with 2,500 tea farmers, the company has developed an extensive ecological tea garden. Their innovative "company + base + cooperative + farmer" model promotes collective growth, ensuring increased income for both village collectives and individual farmers. The park's efforts also extend to local employment, providing job opportunities and fostering community prosperity.


Children pluck tea leaves in Huangshan. [Photo/Huangshan Daily]

In Huangshan, tea is more than a tradition; it is a pathway to sustainable development and rural vitalization.

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