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SND firms among top 100 Chinese private energy businesses


Two enterprises in Suzhou New District, Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province, recently made the list of Hurun China Most Valuable Private Energy Companies 2023.

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Thousand-old-year temple fair resumes in SND


The 1,000-year-old temple fair Yalianhua, or hustling lotus flowers in English, resumed in Gulianhua Temple on Sept 14.

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SND opens more talent apartments


The Yangshan Apartments in Xushuguan town, Suzhou New District, East China's Jiangsu province, recently opened to the public after renovations.

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SND elements found in Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway


The Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia, opened to traffic in Indonesia on Sept 7.

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Registration for Suzhou marathon opens


Registration for the 2023 Suzhou Taihu Lake Marathon, which will be held in Suzhou New District on Oct 22, will be open until 5 pm on Sept 22.


More schools open in SND


A group of new and renovated schools were recently put into operation in Suzhou New District, Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu province.

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