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Companies in Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone resume production


Updated: 2024-02-26

Following the conclusion of the Spring Festival holiday, numerous enterprises in the Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone have resumed production activities.

At Gold Hongye Paper (Nantong) Co Ltd, a household paper products manufacturer established in 2017, all 24 machines in the production workshop have been restarted. Chen Xiaowei, the manager of the processing department, said that the company produced a record high of 49,000 metric tons of paper in December and aims to produce a total of 600,000 tons this year.

Nantong Tianyang New Materials Co Ltd, the largest hot melt adhesive producer in China, has received a surging number of orders after the holiday. Its daily production capacity now reaches 300 tons.

According to Hu Jinlong, the general manager, the company's production capacity reached 20,000 tons last year, with profits of around 500 million yuan ($69.46 million). In the first month of this year, the output exceeded 50 million yuan, 20 percent more than expected. The company's products are widely used in textiles, automobiles, electronics, building materials, and other industries.

To ensure the resumption of production for enterprises in the development zone, various government departments actively addressed difficulties encountered during the process. Currently, the resumption rate of large-scale industrial enterprises in the zone stands at 95 percent.

Ma Shiyu, deputy director of the zone's administrative committee, noted that the zone aims to generate 59 billion yuan in output among above-designated-size industrial enterprises, 65 billion yuan in service sales, and 38 billion yuan in foreign trade.