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Youth of Guangxi, ASEAN boost bonds as well as cooperation



Happy faces light up the 2023 China (Guangxi)-ASEAN Youth Hand-in-Hand Event, at Guangxi Normal University. [Photo provided to]

The 2023 China (Guangxi)-ASEAN Youth Hand-in-Hand Event was held on July 4 at the Guangxi Normal University in the city of Guilin - in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region - with nearly 200 young representatives from China and ASEAN countries participating.

Liu Kun, deputy director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Guangxi Autonomous Regional Committee, expressed the hope that the youth of China and ASEAN countries would carry forwards their traditional friendship and promote friendly cooperation.

Eight young representatives from China and ASEAN - who were newly appointed as a "Guangxi Youth Story Telling Officer" - shared their vivid stories.

These were of win-win cooperation, mutual assistance, inclusiveness and mutual learning between China and ASEAN countries - as they recounted their experiences of studying in Guangxi, encountering cultural exchanges, witnessing rural vitalization and participating in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Xie Jianwei, head of the Guangxi Youth Federation, proposed that all young people should try to inject youthful vitality, responsibility, wisdom and strength in promoting the building of a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared future.

Chinese and foreign students from Guangxi Normal University presented performances of dance, choirs and Peking opera during the event.

These showed the exciting achievements of cultural and artistic exchanges and cooperation between Guangxi and ASEAN countries in artistic forms.

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